Thursday, 1 September 2011

The London Auburn Club

As you all know, I am British (If you didn't know that there is something truly wrong with you) and my fan hood has extended for a few years. I always wondered if there was a fan club based in England or anywhere in Europe where several alumni and fans meet up to watch games. Well, apparently there is.

Yep, turns out a group of alumni from around Europe all gather at various times to watch Auburn games (which I find incredibly awesome). Here you can find a post on their official website that details a gathering for the Iron Bowl 2010, with a short description and even includes a few pictures of the event.

They also gathered for the Georgia and LSU games this past year at peoples houses and A Sports Cafe based in London. Kinda' cool isn't it? They say (Bama fans) that no one (outside the south) knows Auburn like they know University of Alabama. I disagree, even though these people are alums their love of the game and for the team stretches all the way to Europe! Hear that haters? We have frickin' fan clubs over here.

This post/story from the site also really intrigued me, have a read:

I used this phrase one chilly morning to a young woman wearing a distinctive Auburn sweatshirt waiting on the platform in my local train station in North London.

She looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

The sweahirt had been sent to her by a friend because she had auburn-colored hair. (Sugar,

that was orange—a true ginger as they say here, not auburn.)

The next time I tried the phrase was in Amsterdam, sitting in front of the Anne Frank Haus.

“Damn, I told her not to wear that visor. Everywhere we go, somebody says something.” was the response from one of the ladies. At introduction, I recognized both names as prominent faculty and staff members.

After a chuckle and a short chat, we drifted our separate ways.

But I am always reminded of the old adage that no matter where you are in the world, if you yell “War Eagle!” in a crowd—you will be answered.

Awesome, huh? I for one also remember my own mother telling me she saw someone else wearing an Auburn sweatshirt in a local fish 'n chip shop (Brit term alert) in my own village! Cool isn't it?